Thursday, February 21, 2013

This is Monday Behavior

10:30pm--I go to bed. Not feeling super great.

11:45pm--Yowling cat wakes me up

1:00am--The heat kicks on in the house with a vengeance  My body mistakes itself for the body of a 57 year old lady and commences with insane hot flashes coupled with insane nausea.

2:30am--I realize I'm still awake.

3:30am--My phone starts going off every 30 seconds because my friends phone is glitching and sending me the same text over and over again. 

4:00am--I realized I'm still still awake. I decide to let myself sleep in for an extra hour and go into work late. 

6:30am--My alarm goes off because I forgot to turn it off.  

7:20am--the doorbell rings. I choose to ignore it.

7:21am--I can't ignore it. I know I won't be able to go back to sleep. 

7:22am--I look out the window to see who is at the door and all I can see is a junker car in the driveway. 

7:23am--I answer the door to find 3 swarthy dudes on my front step and my frazzled next door neighbor because, SURPRISE! Our kitchen is being remodeled today and the construction crew is early! 

I know Roommate Jen had mentioned this was happening, but I had completely and utterly forgotten. 
Obviously extra sleep was out of the question, so I decided to just go to work. You know what's awkward? Showering with 3 strange guys and your elderly next door neighbor in the house! But these are things that happen to us sometimes. 

Happy Thursday, everyone!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Subconscious Update!

I had a different post ready for today, but I have to tell you instead:

I had a dream last night that I went shopping at the Dollar Store...with Kate Middleton. 

She was wearing this dress.

In other news: I gave up Facebook and Twitter for Lent (but not Instagram, because I'M NOT CRAZY) and its moments like this that I miss it most. Also, when I'm watching the Bachelor. 

Just in case you were wondering, I made this for dinner and it was amazing and I ate 3 servings and I'm sure it wasn't responsible for my thrifty, royal dreams.

Happy Wednesday, everyone! 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ways to use a Bag

I have been feeling so uninspired lately. Maybe its because winter has finally caught up with us (snow and everything!) and all the energy I would usually put into things like cooking or church projects has gone into scraping snow off my car 3 times a day. If you've never lived in a wintery state, maybe you don't know the logistical hassles of snow. 

When I leave my house in the morning I need:
1. Winter boots (because there is a foot of snow in my driveway)
2. Work shoes (because you can't wear winter boots around the office)
3. Work Out shoes (because you can't work out at the gym in winter boots or work shoes)

Basically what I'm saying is, I walk into my office every day looking like a Crazy Bag Lady. 

My friend Erika recently made me an awesome reversible bag. Its huge. It can hold like, 3 pairs of shoes.
However, sometimes it serves... alternate purposes. 

Like being a kitty pillow for Rommnate Jen's cat, Keyote. 

Or being a weird socks/blanket hybrid for when I'm watching the Bachelor and my feet are cold and there is just no way I'm standing up to find socks/a blanket. 
The bag is really versatile, is all I'm saying.