Thursday, March 28, 2013


As a person of a Certain Generation, I don't get a lot of mail. Not even my bills come in the mail because I'm too irresponsible to pay them on time so I have everything on Auto Pay. Seriously. 

Roommate Jen, however, is a person of a Different Generation and gets all her bills (and magazine subscriptions! that one kills me) via the US Postal Service. 

Needless to say, I don't get the mail...ever? And when its all piled up on our dining room table, I never even glance at it. But today, TODAY there were 3 envelopes with my name on them. This is unprecedented!
Do you ever go to showers where you address the envelope for your own thank you card? I mean, it makes sense but its always weird to get a card with your own handwriting on the envelope thanking you for attending that baby shower a month ago or whatever (that is the Monkey Card, in case you were wondering).

The Easter card was from my "parents" (aka my mom. Thanks for the Target Gift Card!) and the coffee mug card was from my awesome friend Erika, just dropping a line. How awesome is that? Erika loves writing letters and I got one from her last year on this excellent cartoon dinosaur stationary. Its the simple things, really. 

Getting mail is awesome. 

Happy Thursday! 
****UPDATE**** My friend Monica (of the baby shower Monkey Card) decided to steal my Miracle Card Day Thunder by having a freaking baby on the same day. Some people, man. So rude.

I'll forgive her because the baby is so stinking cute. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


You guys, my TV died on Sunday.

My brother Chris and our friend Mike were over Sunday afternoon, as always, to eat after church. This week was slightly different since we were celebrating Chris' birthday (a few days early) and therefore he got to choose what movie we were going to watch. So naturally we watched Laserblast! Well, we watched the MST3K version of Laserblast. Spoiler Alert! Its a bad movie. Even with the gang making fun of it, its hardly worth watching.
(Tangent Alert! Something worth watching: Chris and Mike in the most recent installment of Chris' podcast, The Talking Head,  eating Mountain Dew Pamcakes.)

Anyway, we finished up Laserblast and my TV dramatically swooned and died. DIED! Just shut off and wouldn't turn back on. It was horrible and I pointed the finger of blame at Chris and his stupid Laserblasting. I truly believed we had watched a movie so bad that it caused my TV to commit TV suicide. 

And its upsetting how upset I was at the though of not having TV for a few days. I have a super busy schedule right now with rehearsals almost every night so its not like I would even have much time to watch, but man, I was MAD at being PRE-INCONVENIENCED by lack of TV. 

Question: when you have a problem, how long does it take for you to find someone to complain to? Usually it takes me approximately 30 seconds. Which makes you look like an idiot when your TV starts working again 20 minutes later. 

First, to my father. Notice the time stamps. And the heresy. 
Next, to my TV KILLING BROTHER. Have I mentioned we LOVE the IT Crowd*? 

The point of the story is twofold: 
1. Don't watch Laserblast! (Watch Future Wars)
2. Don't complain to a bunch of people before you know for sure you have something to complain about. 

Happy Holy Week! 

*The British one with Chris O'Dowd. Not the scary US remake with my beloved Joel McHale (sorry, Joel)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A Decadent Weekend of Decadence

This was maybe the most decadent weekend I've ever let myself have. 
Lets run it down:

When my friends Jim and Lorie got me a ticket to see La Boheme for Christmas, I don't think I knew what I was in for. We got to see the amazing soprano Anna Netrebko who will break your heart into a thousand pieces with her voice. She and tenor Joseph Calleja had amazing chemistry on stage, which is something that was definitely lacking in some of the other operas I've seen. Its a game changer when your performers are great actors as well as great vocalists. 

Aside from all the excitement on stage, we had private box seats which is the WAY TO GO. Honestly, since I only get to see about 1 opera per year, I would definitely spring for this. It is the most amazing way to see a show. You have a clear view of the stage. You have space for your legs and arms. You have a private cloak room!? You know, for your cloaks. Do it, you guys. Don't think about the money. Just do it. 

After the show, we dried our tears and headed over to Chicago Q to toast poor, doomed Mimi. 
Exciting things about Chicago Q:

1. Its in the neighborhood where I lived during my Chicago Semester back in 2005!
2. Unlimited House Made Chips and Pickles. They will never let you get to the bottom of the bowl before replacing it with a new one. 
(Sorry its blurry. Clearly I was quivering with excitement!)

3. Kobe. Beef. Brisket. You guys, this meat is so tender you don't even have to chew it. It just melts away on your tongue. Plus, brioche rolls. Gah! And don't even get me started on the sauces. Their spicy mustard rocked my world. 
4. I was able to score an Avery Brew! I got to tour the Avery Brewery when I was in Boulder to visit my friend Jenna last summer! It was the perfect meal. 

Saturday Roommate Jen and I went shopping with Ex-Roommate and Bride-to-Be Megs down in South Bend. Megs is on pre-wedding Paleo Diet AND she gave up booze for Lent (she's a good person) and Roommate Jen is also booze free right now so it was up to me to be extra indulgent to make up for it. 

Since I wasn't shopping for anything in particular, I hit the shopping JACKPOT! I got shoes. I got a headband. I got a few tops on clearance (that never happens for me). I also broke down and bought one of these Clinique Chubby Sticks because even though I loathe the word "chubby", even I can't resist lip gloss that looks like a giant crayon. Plus, its an awesome color. 
We had dinner at Granite City where I got a nice glass of Malbec to go with my absolutely gigantic Bruchetta Chicken Salad. 
I will endorse any salad that comes with an entire loaf of bread. And olives. And blue cheese...oh man. I'm drooling all over again. 

For desert I got a mini Key Lime Shooter and it was perfect. 
And now its back to work and back to the gym, which is sad, but necessary. Everyone should have weekends like this where you take the opportunities you're given and enjoy them to the fullest! 

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sandwich Cookies

Back in December I was having drinks with Beth and Marcus, a couple I met through the Symphony Chorus I sing with. We were discussing my new iPhone 5 and Marcus was asking if it had a high quality camera. While he was messing with the phone he asked if he could flip through my photo album to see how some of the pictures turned out and I kind of...hesitated. 
The hesitation led to awkward panic on Marcus' part because, well I made it seem like my phone was full of naked pictures when REALLY its just full of food pictures*.

So yes, I catalog my food pretty faithfully on my iPhone. I swear I only Instagram like, 1/3 of it. 

I was flipping through my pictures yesterday and I noticed a theme...sandwich cookies! I have made 3 different types of sandwich cookies in the past 3 weeks. Who knew!? I certainly didn't realize it.

 First up were these heart shaped cookies for Valentine's Day. I am ashamed to say that I did go out and buy a heart shaped cookie cutter and therefore now I OWN a heart shaped cookie cutter (3, actually...they came in a 3 pack). However, I am NOT ashamed to say I tried really hard to make a few cookies that were hearts jaggedly cut in half, but it didn't work. Only happy cookies for V Day! 

Result: They taste like oreos in the best possible way. The recipe makes a TON of frosting, so you can be super generous with each cookie. 

Next up were these red velvet sandwich cookies. I had leftover cream cheese frosting and a spare box of red velvet cake mix from making cake bites for a friend's baby shower and these seemed like a win!
Result: They really weren't very good. I don't know if I never got the baking time right or what, but they were really dried out and hard. The frosting helped.

Last up were these Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies that I made for my brother and his fiance after they had a rough week on the job hunt. There is nothing quite like nailing an interview only to get the impersonal letter of rejection. If we're being completely honest...not all of these made it into the mail...they were just toooooo good. 

Result: These are one of those cookies that are even better the next day. I will definitely make them again. Plus, they're so cute! 

I hope cookies cure all your ills this week! Happy Wednesday! 

*Ok, and romance novel book covers since its a hobby of mine to browse the Top Free 100 Books on Amazon daily and send the worst/best covers to my friend Erika.