Thursday, March 28, 2013


As a person of a Certain Generation, I don't get a lot of mail. Not even my bills come in the mail because I'm too irresponsible to pay them on time so I have everything on Auto Pay. Seriously. 

Roommate Jen, however, is a person of a Different Generation and gets all her bills (and magazine subscriptions! that one kills me) via the US Postal Service. 

Needless to say, I don't get the mail...ever? And when its all piled up on our dining room table, I never even glance at it. But today, TODAY there were 3 envelopes with my name on them. This is unprecedented!
Do you ever go to showers where you address the envelope for your own thank you card? I mean, it makes sense but its always weird to get a card with your own handwriting on the envelope thanking you for attending that baby shower a month ago or whatever (that is the Monkey Card, in case you were wondering).

The Easter card was from my "parents" (aka my mom. Thanks for the Target Gift Card!) and the coffee mug card was from my awesome friend Erika, just dropping a line. How awesome is that? Erika loves writing letters and I got one from her last year on this excellent cartoon dinosaur stationary. Its the simple things, really. 

Getting mail is awesome. 

Happy Thursday! 
****UPDATE**** My friend Monica (of the baby shower Monkey Card) decided to steal my Miracle Card Day Thunder by having a freaking baby on the same day. Some people, man. So rude.

I'll forgive her because the baby is so stinking cute. 

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