Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Let the Madness Begin

 I literally just spent the last twenty minutes of my life checking registries and RSVPing to showers, bachelorette parties and wedding ceremonies.

Does anyone think its weird that you have to RSVP to a wedding you're IN? I did that today. It felt weird. 

Last week, we hit the One Month Mark before my brother Dain's wedding which will be out in Minnesota. In lieu of wedding cake, they are asking people to bring home made pies. They asked me to make some blueberry pies, but since blueberries aren't in season yet, I made a few of my personal favorite, Dutch Apple*. 

I found this recipe on Brown Eyed Baker and whipped up two of these babies Saturday evening. Here are my thoughts/confessions/regrets. 

1. I made two of these pies and used 10 apples. 5 Granny Smith and 5 Gala. This is way less than what a doubled version of the recipe would call for, but in the past, I always end up with extra fruit so I took a risk. It turned out perfectly! 

2. This recipe really called to me because after you cook the apples you reduce the drained apple juice with heavy cream and then pouring it over the pie. What? Yes. 

3. Instead of just doubling the recipe like a normal person, I baked two pies, side by side, completely separately because when push comes to shove, I can never distribute things evenly at the end of a recipe.

4. My second favorite part of this recipe was using melted butter for the crumble topping instead of cutting in cold butter. This method resulted in beautiful crumbles that were really easy to distribute over the pies. 

5. I sincerely regret not making three of these because I didn't get to try a slice! Rookie mistake. I might make myself one this weekend just so I can try a piece. My kitchen smelled like a heavenly combination of apple, butter and cinnamon and I was drooling. 

6. I chickened out and didn't make my own pie crust. I used store bought. I hope I will be forgiven, but sometimes you just don't have it in you, you know? 

These are now hanging out in my freezer, waiting for the big day! I'm hoping they're as delicious as they looked and smelled. 

Happy Tuesday! 

*Don't worry. I will still be making the requested blueberry pies for the wedding, but I'm waiting until I'm actually in Minnesota since that pie is much better fresh than frozen-then-thawed. 

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