Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Food Interlude: Part II

Its been to busy in my life (Hi, December!) to write, but not too busy to bake. Or maybe I've just been busy baking? Who knows. 
Here's what I've been baking lately:

I love me some shortbread. My grandma makes EXCELLENT shortbread and has always assured me that its easy to make. Which is probably why I was so mad I had to scrap my first batch of dough because it wouldn't come together at all. What a tragic waste of butter. 

HOWEVER, I was determined to get it right and I tried again. Apparently the second time's a charm! Its not the most beautiful shortbread in the world, and my chocolate drizzling skills obviously need work, but Roommate Jen ate all my "reject" pieces and declared it "delicious", which is enough for me.

The rest is currently in the freezer, awaiting the arrival of my family on Saturday.

Yeah, did I mention I'm hosting Christmas this year? Yikes. Adulthood is weird. 

Did you ever eat Monkey Bread as a kid? We always called it Monkey Brains. Usually you make it in a big bundt pan, but it absolutely works in muffin form. This is what I made to console myself after my initial shortbread failure. It tasted like childhood and victory!

These were less exciting since they were made for my boss whose father passed away this week. I happen to know they are his favorite cookie and also that no one in his family really cooks or bakes. I figured one plate of these could stay at home for cookie binge comfort and maybe the other plate could be used for refreshments at the visitation. 

When I went to the funeral, my boss' mother thanked me for the cookies and said she ate an entire plate herself.  It was nice to know they helped, even just a little. 

These suckers are labor intensive, but always a hit.  My preferred flavor are red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. Because anything that is a vehicle for cream cheese frosting is a win in my book. 
I did have an orange and vanilla one the other day though and tasted just like a dreamsicle, which is never a bad thing. 

These are currently hiding in the freezer waiting for my mom's birthday part. I know I don't have near enough, but I just don't have another 3 hours to devote to these babies. 

Ok, truth is I didn't make this, but I've had a few recently and they always make me feel like a sophisticated adult, which I most assuredly am not.  

My parents arrive Saturday, my brother and his fiance arrive Thursday...I'm just strapping in for the crazy and hoping we can all enjoy this rare time together. 

Which I'm sure we will, since there will be cookies and martinis. 

Happy Christmas, everyone! 

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