Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Boulder, CO May 2012: An Altered State

This was my first trip to Boulder, but my second trip to Colorado. I visited Denver in July of 2010 to visit my friend Jenna, my frequent partner in Pittsburgh-related crime, who had relocated there after a few years in Tanzania with the Peace Corps. Denver was a cool place, but I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I was NOT an Denver person. I don't hike. I don't ski. I wasn't tan (even though it was July). I wasn't an activist for social justice, the environment or puppies. Plus the altitude and I did not get along. I had fun seeing Jenna, but I knew that I could never be a Denverite. 

So it was with an apprehensive heart that I went to visit Jenna in Boulder a mere two years later. Boulder is pretty geographically close to Denver. I flew into the Denver airport (a place that seriously creeps me out because you're greeted by an insane Bronco statue with GLOWING DEMON EYES) so technically I was in Denver for at least a little while...but then we were off to Boulder. 
Jenna must have known that she would have to really sell Boulder or I would never come to Colorado again so we started things off right: with margaritas. 
What followed was a weekend of lightly buzzed bliss. Boulder. Is. AWESOME. If I'm ever a millionaire (or marry one) I will go to Boulder for a month and eat my way through town. I come from a sub-suburban town where our restaurant options are Chilis or Applebees. You know what I never saw in Boulder? A Chilis or Applebees. I'm sure they are there somewhere, but I never had to resort to eating there, and that is what matters. 

We ate. We drank. We drank some more. We visited an awesome street fair that was happening downtown and I bought presents for people (I'm generous when I'm buzzed). We saw movies. We watched episodes of our favorite British sitcom The IT Crowd
HOWEVER, since you can't visit CO without going at least a LITTLE native...we hiked. It was glorious! We took so many pictures and, in the end, they all look more or less the same :) I felt so in touch with nature! I felt so athletic! I felt so sophisticated because I took pictures on a REAL CAMERA and not just one on my iPhone! 
We were so busy being proud of ourselves that we were almost late for our BEER TOUR! If you are in Boulder and love micro-brews, I highly suggest this. We had so much fun. 

Go to Boulder. See friends. Drink beer. Climb mountains. Eat at places that are not Applebees. You won't regret it. 
I didn't. 

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