Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"That Happiness Is Mine"

"I'm not a drug salesman. I'm a writer."
"What makes you think a writer isn't a drug salesman?"
"I'll accept that. Guilty as charged."
--Kurt Vonnegut
"Cat's Cradle"

Whenever I set out to write something, it usually goes one of two ways:

1. I have a great idea. It's really easy to start, but eventually I run into a road block and never come up with a decent ending.


2. I have no ideas. The deadline is approaching. I write something skeletal, throw in a few sight gags and call it a day.

Today I'm facing both challenges. I have a video in the works for Palm Sunday and the script got off to a decent start until I realized there is really no point to what I'm writing.
And Easter is less than 2 weeks away and the service is a blank slate. There is absolutely nothing planned.


I always want to plan ahead, but I can really only work under pressure. When do you reach the point where you face the facts, stop trying to plan ahead and just wait till the last minute intentionally? Is intentional procrastination even a thing?

Once again, intentionally or no, I've waited just about as long as I can possibly wait, so I will pick up the tools of my trade and just start writing and hope that something worthwhile shows up on the page.

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