Tuesday, March 26, 2013


You guys, my TV died on Sunday.

My brother Chris and our friend Mike were over Sunday afternoon, as always, to eat after church. This week was slightly different since we were celebrating Chris' birthday (a few days early) and therefore he got to choose what movie we were going to watch. So naturally we watched Laserblast! Well, we watched the MST3K version of Laserblast. Spoiler Alert! Its a bad movie. Even with the gang making fun of it, its hardly worth watching.
(Tangent Alert! Something worth watching: Chris and Mike in the most recent installment of Chris' podcast, The Talking Head,  eating Mountain Dew Pamcakes.)

Anyway, we finished up Laserblast and my TV dramatically swooned and died. DIED! Just shut off and wouldn't turn back on. It was horrible and I pointed the finger of blame at Chris and his stupid Laserblasting. I truly believed we had watched a movie so bad that it caused my TV to commit TV suicide. 

And its upsetting how upset I was at the though of not having TV for a few days. I have a super busy schedule right now with rehearsals almost every night so its not like I would even have much time to watch, but man, I was MAD at being PRE-INCONVENIENCED by lack of TV. 

Question: when you have a problem, how long does it take for you to find someone to complain to? Usually it takes me approximately 30 seconds. Which makes you look like an idiot when your TV starts working again 20 minutes later. 

First, to my father. Notice the time stamps. And the heresy. 
Next, to my TV KILLING BROTHER. Have I mentioned we LOVE the IT Crowd*? 

The point of the story is twofold: 
1. Don't watch Laserblast! (Watch Future Wars)
2. Don't complain to a bunch of people before you know for sure you have something to complain about. 

Happy Holy Week! 

*The British one with Chris O'Dowd. Not the scary US remake with my beloved Joel McHale (sorry, Joel)

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